Post FV analysis
Do you have, or could you reasonably easily obtain, the information on how these days capture the gains/losses of the C & S funds as well? I suspect they will yield similar results since the volatily tends to affect all the equities relatively simultaneously. But it would be interesting to note if there were a significant difference.
Q, Here's a break down for each of the funds. I tightened up my formulas so you might see a small change from my earlier post (fortunately, it gets better, not worse
Again, some background for reading: A “Post-FV” qualifying day is the day immediately following a two day +/-FV or -/+FV cycle. A +/- FV cycle is one that begins with a +FV and finishes with a -FV. A -/+ FV cycle starts with a -FV and ends with a +FV. If a three day FV cycle occurred, I gathered two data points (the middle day being a compound FV of some type). I had FV data on hand for the period of 12/06/2006 - 6/18/2007 to analyze.
Total fund returns during sample period (6 Dec-18 Jun):
C: 9.17%
S: 9.69%
I: 13.44%
Post +/- FV Total Returns (total returns for day immediately following a two-day +FV/-FV cycle)
C: 1.13% (9 occurances, 7 up / 2 down)
S: 1.10% (9 occurances, 6 up / 3 down)
4.03% (9 occurances, 8 up / 1 down)
Post -/+ FV Total Returns (total returns for day immediately following a two-day -FV/+FV cycle)
C: 1.99% (10 occurances, 5 up / 5 down)
4.22% (10 occurances, 6 up / 4 down)
4.54% (10 occurances, 7 up / 3 down)
Total Post FV Returns (sum of the previous two data sets):
C: 3.12% (19 occurances, 12 up / 7 down)
5.32% (19 occurances, 12 up / 7 down)
8.57% (19 occurances, 15 up / 4 down)
Non-Post FV Returns (returns for days in the sample period that did not follow a FV):
C: 6.05% (113 occurances, 62 up / 51 down)
S: 4.37% (113 occurances, 65 up / 48 down)
I: 4.87% (113 occurances, 67 up / 46 down)
Percent of total fund returns realized during sample period (Dec-Jun) that fell on Post-FV days:
C: 34.0% :blink:
S: 54.9%
I: 63.7% :nuts:
Percent of days in sample period that triggered a Post-FV buy signal:
14.4% (19 out of 132).
So, we can see that the S and C funds benefit as well, especially after a -/+ FV (versus a +/-). It's interesting that the +/- FV sequence does not seem to effect the I fund. Again, this is a relatively small sample size (6 months) but it looks promising and seems to support common sense as you mention.