camper65's Account Talk

COB 60% G, 40% F,

Looking for a pull back over the next several days.
Market appears to be over reacting at this time to negitive news.
I doubt it will take much to push it over the edge.
In any case, I'll be sitting on the side lines and looking for a enterance point.
COB 30 G, 40 F, 30 I.
I filled my tank today and paid $3.04. A couple of weeks ago, I paid $2.67.
In my opinion, were at the point were the consumer will notice $100 dollar oil.
The effect will be felt across the board. In all consumer sectors.
For now, I’ll bet the lowering dollar will have a positive bias on the I fund and negative on C and S.
A correction may be in the offering and I’ll keep my finger on the trigger. Again, this is just my opinion.
I know there are cheaper places than that around our area, Camper.
Come down to the seacoast the price is still under $2.90 . :laugh::laugh:
I sit comfortable in S/I until I get privileges back!
The way I see it, the market has been flat for 6, 8 weeks now. We have come off the bottom more than twice. (Depending on the charts your looking at!) The fed has shown it hand and its willingness to spend as much of our money as it wishes to prevent market disasters. Baring anything unforeseen, the market will rise with lots of upward potential and if it should fall, there is a solid floor established for it to land on.
In the meantime, I do have my form filled out , ready to jump into safe haven should the need arise!