Buy IRAQI Currency?!? READ THIS


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I ran across this website about buying into Iraqi currency before it hits the market. I am thinking about putting a few thousand into it. check it out here

they ship you Iraqi Dinar, what used to be worth $82,000 goes for less than fifty bucks. If I even put a few hundred and it was ever worth what it used to be, I would be well off. What does anyone think? Too good to be true?
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Be careful, I read an article about a year ago about Iraqi currency. Yes, you can buy Dinars. There are alot of web sites out there to do it. You can even buy them fromebay. But try selling them. First you pay a comission to buy, and theneven a bigger one to sell. I'm not sure that you can go to a federal bank to sell them.

Just be careful.
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yea, but whats 80 bucks, a million to one chance that they will even use them again, and if they do will they rise in price? I see the USA forcing Iraq to join the Euro, what a laugh!
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A bigger laugh would be Europe starting to use the dinar. Particulary the french. They seem to like aiding and abeiting people from that particular region. These riots happening over there is just history catching up with them.
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People mess with the French all the time. All that holier than thou attitude is complete BS, look Iraqis want guns theyre gonna buyem from somewhere, its assinine to think that if the French did not sell them guns we would not have had this problem. Lay off the French and complain about something else.

As for Iraqi Dinar, they are worthless and probably always will be. That wont stop me from burning 100 bucks on em though.
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Soldat wrote:
Lay off the French and complain about something else.
I agree, we all know Lance Armstrong cheated for 7 years!! Having one testicle makes you more aerodynamic..................:P

Just a joke here folks, trying to ease tensions..................:^
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I didnt know that guy was a one-nut wonder. I just figure the price cant go down much more and with elections, new Gov't, ect, it will either go out of use or go up.
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Soldat wrote:
I didnt know that guy was a one-nut wonder. I just figure the price cant go down much more and with elections, new Gov't, ect, it will either go out of use or go up.
Probably worth the risk as long as your not spending too much. Go for it and good luck!!

Here are some sites for people that want more info. I might throw a grand into it myself. :^,1367,64565,00.html?tw=wn_story_related