I am here for the long term, going for 2034. I don't have any real financial experience and only a very general understanding of the markets, so my strategy lies mainly in following the media and watching the daily Dow prices. I like to think of consumer confidence as the main market force, and I try to stagger my timing with shifts in consumer confidence and the media's stance in general. For example, in November of 2006, when I saw the Dow break 12,000 and then 13,000, I sold. I regretted that, because I could have made more, but I made some instead of losing. Consumer confidence had been high after that, going into 2007 and I was in a hold position. I saw consumer confidence slump, waited for the market to return to 12,500, and bought in again. It's totally psychological with me... I am here to educate myself and make changes that are based in more scientific priciples.
I also subscirbe to a rival fund timing website, and after taking losses, I am resigned to following that website's recommendations at least until my subscription runs out. I went ahead and subscribed to the Premium services here at TSPTalk, so it will fun for me to compare the two recommendations and returns.
2007 was not a great year for me, but not as terrible as it could have been. I am playing with chump change compared to most of you guys, but it's early for me and I have a lot of time to figure this out and maximize my earnings.
One thing I am pretty impressed with about myself is that I am able to save a full third of my monthly income, separated into 70% TSP, 15% Savings Bonds, and 15% Money Market Savings. My wife works, so that helps out, and our next move is to establish a Traditional IRA in her name. I am feeling the need to diversify in the interest of college savings and home ownership.
I also subscirbe to a rival fund timing website, and after taking losses, I am resigned to following that website's recommendations at least until my subscription runs out. I went ahead and subscribed to the Premium services here at TSPTalk, so it will fun for me to compare the two recommendations and returns.
2007 was not a great year for me, but not as terrible as it could have been. I am playing with chump change compared to most of you guys, but it's early for me and I have a lot of time to figure this out and maximize my earnings.
One thing I am pretty impressed with about myself is that I am able to save a full third of my monthly income, separated into 70% TSP, 15% Savings Bonds, and 15% Money Market Savings. My wife works, so that helps out, and our next move is to establish a Traditional IRA in her name. I am feeling the need to diversify in the interest of college savings and home ownership.