Boxholder Account Talk


Finally getting to post - been trying all morning. I'm a newbie who has been watching your group since Oct. Decided at the last minute to get started in your tracker. I've made good gains since finding your site, but a little anxious about the bang of a start we had today.

I started the day today in 100% G, worried about all the hoopla of the end of the year happenings. Moved to 60% C, 40% S for tomorrow. At the time it made good sense! A little worried now.

Anyway, I want to say thanks to all of you who are brave enough to make your predications and the explanations of the logic behind it. I've read almost every comment made since Oct. and feel like I have come to know many of you. Anyone can offer me advise anytime they like and I'll appreciate it. May not follow it though!

You have some charactors here, and Birch, you may be the most colorful.
I don't always agree with you 100%, but I look forword to all your posts. Didn't mean to single you out, I read all the others too and thank all of you for your openness. I won't be posting often, a little on the shy side, but I pledge to visit often, learn from your wisdom and experience, and try my best to fit in. Good Luck to all of you from a SE Okla. observer!
I was just wondering if anyone else is having trouble seeing current Yahoo charts that are displayed at the bottom of this page? Mine seem to be hung on Dec. 29. Have I done something wrong?
I am moving 100% I based on a hunch of a possible FV tomorrow, and because when Bernake has had a briefing in the past the market has done really well.
In a strange period of time where bad news moves the market up and good news moves it down, I am jumping back in 75% S and 25% I. With the start of a new quarter and new money, I am looking for investors to begin jockying for positions in the small caps soon - hopefully, Monday.
Overseas markets should be resting and if our market goes up, it will have to do it on its own.
Here is how the losses may look tonight.

C Fund -.46, S Fund -.57, I Fund -.56 to -.70 (from 350z), and F +.05 or .06
It should be a good start for the market today. Maybe we'll get some of our losses back today.

The futures are all up nicely. Asia ended mixed and Europe seems to be all green for now. The dollar is down against all major currencies. F fund will start down - all yields for treasurer notes are down. No major economic data today. Let's hope for good earnings reports and that Ben's choice of words at noon today in San Antonio will not scare anyone. If J. P. Morgan will hold off on announcing anything today, we might just make a little money!
Though I'm not sure why, the F fund seems to be in the best position to make a profit today. Overnight, the yield on bonds seems to be sharply down from yesterday. Maybe a move to F yesterday was the smartest move. I only wish I had made that move!
Just got a call from my daughter in Dallas. Her water just broke so look's like I may miss the big Santa Rally that I've lost about 7% on so far. Moved to G til I get back. Maybe pick up a penny tomorrow or Monday.

This is her first baby and my 2nd grandchild. She is ready for this to be over. She was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader until 2005 season and said she is definately not at all pleased carrying around that extra 40 lbs. She said her water broke while she was teaching a dance class - well, duh!
Just got a call from my daughter in Dallas. Her water just broke so look's like I may miss the big Santa Rally that I've lost about 7% on so far. Moved to G til I get back. Maybe pick up a penny tomorrow or Monday.

This is her first baby and my 2nd grandchild. She is ready for this to be over. She was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader until 2005 season and said she is definately not at all pleased carrying around that extra 40 lbs. She said her water broke while she was teaching a dance class - well, duh!

There is nothing in the economic news that could come close to this - no matter what happens. Thanks Boxholder - I love to hear things like this. Your daughter is absolutely wonderful and her child is bound to be. Congratulations!!!