Board Etiquette


Well-known member
Given some of the recent events of the day it may be worthwhile to have a discussion on board etiquette.

The purpose of the thread is to prevent and minimize some of the nastiness.

There are several categories of things that I see could be beneficial.

1) Limiting who, and what folks can say when the post in other members talk threads, (maybe something like - if you don't have anything nice to say - then don't say anything at all) that would require that folks do not blast other's in their account talk threads.

2) In the day to day talk forum - specific threads to discuss various strategies: (with the understanding that they are restricted to those stratagies and debunking the strategy is not allowed)
- Predominant capital preservation (those that like to sit in the G/F and only move to stocks when the big bull is in town)
- Buy and Hold/Dollar cost averaging
- Continuous minor adjusting strategy (for those that keep a relatively stable allocation but adjust it regularly to meet market conditions)
- Continuous channel surfing (the capital preservation to stocks strategy that most of your top performers use).

These are just examples of some of the measures we could put in place.
Look for the best in others and give them the best you can give. Be encouraging and not belittling. Live well laugh often and love much.
Given some of the recent events of the day it may be worthwhile to have a discussion on board etiquette.

The purpose of the thread is to prevent and minimize some of the nastiness.

There are several categories of things that I see could be beneficial.

1) Limiting who, and what folks can say when the post in other members talk threads, (maybe something like - if you don't have anything nice to say - then don't say anything at all) that would require that folks do not blast other's in their account talk threads.

So you should be banned now?

How about having too big of a signature?
It's very easy to allow some members to get to you. This is a large community and personality conflicts are inevitable. Unfortunately some do it on purpose knowing they are getting under the skin of others. And some of them are clever enough to know just how far they can take it, hoping that their target will retaliate and be disciplined or banned themselves.

Bottom line, golden rule, whatever you want to call it:

Speak to others the way you'd want other to speak to you.
While we're talking about it...

General Terms of Service:

In order to promote a useful and beneficial environment to investors, we attempt to maintain certain policies or "rules of the road."

The basic rules are fairly simple in principle:

1. Be polite and respectful.

2. Conduct yourself generally as you would at any professional encounter with respected colleagues.

3. Harassment and irritation of other members will not be tolerated. Please try to avoid offending other members. We understand that you cannot please every one all the time. However, when we get a variety of similar complaints, a review will be conducted.

4. If you see a post that appears to violate any of our guidelines, do not respond to the post, or any offensive post. Send a Report Post or a private message to the administrator or moderator(s) notifying them of the subject post.

5. Watch your language in general, though a bit of occasional adult language is understood, though not encouraged.

6. Do not post in the "Username Account" topics unless it is your account. Use the member’s “Username Account Talk.”

7. Do not incite flame wars, and please, try to refrain from chiming into offensive posts.

8. We understand that disputes will occur – it’s a fact of life – but we will not understand if members are involved in a prolonged squabble. If you cannot work it out between yourselves, ask for a moderator or for the administrator to intervene.

9. Try to stay on topic if you can.

10. Stick to a reasonably relevant topic.

11. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

12. Do not annoy the moderator(s) or administrator.

13. Otherwise, behave legally and ethically.

14. [Reserved] User Infraction System.

15. Please do not make your signature excessively long, it slows the loading and causes unnecessary scrolling. General guidelines are no longer than the box this text is in.

7 Simple ways to get yourself Banned from TSP Talk Message Boards:

#1) Spam the boards.

#2) Post a chain letter. We really hate those.

#3) Ignore the rules of decency and professionalism as well as any other rules listed here.

#4) Intentionally post false or misleading information, including the use of dual aliases.

#5) Provide untrue or incorrect information about your self while registering or posting.

#6) Use TSP for illegal purposes or for the transmission of material that is unlawful, harassing, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, abusive, threatening, harmful, inordinately vulgar, obscene, tortuous, improper or otherwise objectionable.

#7) Use TSP in any way that infringes or may infringe the intellectual property rights, copyrights or other rights of another. For example, you may NOT copy and paste a press release, article, or newsletter in its entirety into a post on TSP Talk, without explicit permission of the author, although standard 'fair use' is permitted. When in doubt ALWAY provide a link to the source of your copied material.
#12? Birch is still here.............:p And now that you mention it, techy is back.......

I want an instant replay. But you can't replay a judgement call right...... :D