BigHog's Account Talk


New member
This is all new to me. I have only been government for 3.5 years and after volunteering for time in Afghanistan. Since returning, I am trying to get on top of my TSP. There is so much you can do, I had no idea. I had it in a set it and forget mode, up until now. I have also decided to start my own thread so I could ask dumb questions here versus other folks threads. I am currently sitting at Contribution Allocation of 50% G and 50% F. Is it smarter to contribute 100% G, then move it as necessary? My account distribution is at 75% G and 25% F. Any advice on how to move it around. Also any links you want to send, that will help me better understand markets and how to invest, is greatly appreciated. but it would probably need to be a dummies guide.

At your age you can sustain more risk and subsequent opportunity - think about 100% C fund. Dollar cost average into it for the next several year and see where it takes you.
I am not that young, just late to the game. i made good money during the dot com boom, and almost lost everything when it went to hell, including my savings. Spent years working my way back up as a government contractor, and then went government. I am 45. On the bright side, i do play the lottery. ;)
Welcome bighog! Once you get a little more comfortable with what's going on here, you'll get a better feel for what kind of investor you'll want to be. Buy and hold (set it and forget it, as you said), or more of a market timer. Market timing sound intimidating but it's actually a little safer in that you are out of the market much of the time.

Take a look at our autotracker and see what other members are doing. Read the market commentaries to see why some do what they do. You'll feel a whole lot more comfortable in no time. It's never easy, but it's rewarding.

Good luck!
I have a little over 12k sitting in a bank, collecting very little interest. If you had 12k, where would you invest it? This is not my main savings account, or even my secondary savings account. So with that in mind...
I have a little over 12k sitting in a bank, collecting very little interest. If you had 12k, where would you invest it? This is not my main savings account, or even my secondary savings account. So with that in mind...

You need a 6 month cushon for emergencies just in case your furnace blows or car takes a hit.:)
You can always sell a stock if necessary - until that time you get dividend income that can be reinvested and perhaps some capital appreciation.