AutoTracker Looks Down

Re: TSP down for maintenance today

Yes, and the returns on the TSPTalk main page haven't been updated to yesterdays close either.
Re: TSP down for maintenance today

don't worry, the tsp funds are safe. the google, oracle, and nsa specialists just need a little time to establish the connection to the database. that way no ineligible feds can crash the system looking for free subsidies when they clearly don't meet the future means testing requirement.
No, since works, they borrowed the IT Tech's since Saturday to work JK
Re: TSP down for maintenance today

Got this off the TSP site just a few minutes ago. The daily maintenance may have caused an issue.

Scheduled Outages

Holiday Closing — Some financial markets will be closed on Thursday, November 28th in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. The Thrift Savings Plan will also be closed. Transactions that would have been processed Thursday night (November 28th) will be processed Friday night (November 29th), at Friday's closing share prices.

Daily Maintenance — There will be daily routine system maintenance and backups between 12:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., Eastern time, which may cause slower than normal transaction response times.