Attention Apple Users...


Staff member
Is anyone having an issue accessing TSP Talk using an Apple device? I heard from someone who is getting security issues on an ipad, just trying to get to our home page. It is trying to use the default mobile version but it get stuck there with a insecure server message..

I have an OLD itouch and it seems to be working fine, although I'm sure the operating system is way out of date. I can't test it on a newer device to help.

Any suggestions, feedback, or other help?

I am the person who contacted Tom indicating that I was encountering a problem. A couple of days ago I started getting a message “502 bad gateway The server returned an invalid or incomplete response." I’m using one year old iPad Pro 10.5 on iOS 13.3 ... Happens only with my iPad, not my iPhone . I get this even if I google the main page and try accessing the main page thru Google. I had tried everything I could think of...deleting cookies, deleting bookmark, deleting saved password info, restarting, using chrome instead of Safari ... . Off of the google search the main page takes me to TSP Talk
and I get the error message... No problems with any other site

Anyway I thought it might be a more universal problem but unless someone encounters it using an iPad with iOS 13.3 I guess it’s some anomaly just on mine. Anyway thanks to Tom for posting this, let me know if anyone has ever encountered this with trying to access TSP Talk
Finally solved it, for future reference if anyone ever encounters this problem. Deleting the website info for tsptalk or gomobinow was not sufficient, so I had to delete ALL cookies for everything from within the Settings - Safari...That worked for Safari, but not for Chrome, so had to go into the Chrome app and delete all cookies from within Chrome ... I have no idea what caused it, but it finally works for both now ... Anyway just a FYI if it ever happens to anyone else