FairPlease Read This before Responding
Maybe discuss if this is a good or bad idea?
Is it fair or unfair?
The COLA is supposed to balance local conditions anyway. Adjusted to allow employees to obtain the same level as their equals in the private sector.How good are our benefits compared to others in the private sector large companies, or other State, local governments?
The funding for retirement is supposed to be done WHILE the employee is also contributing to their retirement. Today's dollars invested for future use. This raises valid concerns on HOW FERS is funded. Is my retirement funded continually or @ time of retirement. Waiting for me to retire and THEN FUND IT is a recipe for disaster.If there is a monetary imbalance preventing FERS to be fully funded, how much would you be willing to up your contributions to keep it if you were a new employee coming in under FERS?
@ no time did I bring a "P" discussion into answering these questions. It is possible for some to talk about investing and retirement without the "P" word.No "Obama this" or "Palin that". Should be OK to use Republican or Democrat in an occasional statement of fact if describing a politician directly related to this bill...but no slurs or slanders either way. No making it a Dem vs GOP issue. Goes double for me.
Can We Do This?
I believe that......"Yes We Can". (Oooops...almost messed up already.):embarrest:
Clearly, in California, pensions are broke.
$100,000/year for school teachers retiring is a rockin' retirement! Wish I would see that!
I took a job here at $57K 3 years ago. I have twenty years experience with my field and a Master's Degree. (private sector dude next to me earns over $100K with just a bachelors and 10 years exp) I chose civil service, because I serve. I support the movement..I have not cried on my COLA loss this year, knowing I probably won't see an increase next year. If they contracted me, I would make more but cost the gov't more money! So, as I see it, I'm already sacrificing to save the government. Oh, and I am a AF reservist...Even with two government pensions, I will not see more than 50K a year in retirement years. Also, I will retire before the 1.1% numbers kick in, over my retirement years that will save taxpayers around $150K.