Anyone Else Getting Duplicate Emails from TSP?


New member
Since the new TSP website has been up and running, I'm getting duplicate emails for every monthly withdrawal in addition to a mailed letter. There are 2 email addresses in my profile. One is called "personal" and the is "Alternate". The duplicate emails are sent to both email addresses so each month I get 4 emails and one letter all saying the exact same thing. Fortunately, there is only a single withdrawal each month. I have the communications preferences set up to receive email and it does say "Some information may still be delivered by postal mail" so getting the letter each moth is understandable (though really not necessary).

Getting 4 emails for each monthly withdrawal isn't a critical problem. It's easy enough to delete them but I feel like I need to check each one in case it's not a duplicate (yet it always is).
I just wanted to know if it's happening to anyone else because if it's just me, I should probably call them. If it's everyone else, I'll assume they know about it.
Me too - my payment hit on the 19th and they sent (two) emails with the following:
"Your payment from the Thrift Savings Plan completed as of April 17, 2023.
Your monies will be issued on April 25, 2023. Allow for standard mailing time for any portion of your payment that is scheduled to be mailed. Allow 3-4 business days for any portion that will be direct deposited into your account.
You can see the details of your payment on"
It all comes down to sloppy programming - most programmers (that I know) would be thoroughly embarrassed at having duplicate emails (looping problem), plus references to the 25th after the payment was already deposited.
I just want my money in the would think you sign up for electronic notification that you wouldn't get monthly paper copy in addition to the text and 2 emails. Just more reminders of how much I don't like this current contractor.
Same here, but what happened to the 15th as the new date for everyone? I understand the 15th was on Saturday but a whole week later?
Same here, but what happened to the 15th as the new date for everyone? I understand the 15th was on Saturday but a whole week later?

My payment in April was deposited on the 16th when the email said the 19th. This month it's scheduled for the 18th and I haven't seen it deposited yet.

Oh, did I mention I also get a text message telling me about the upcoming payment? So, 4 emails and one text.
Just more reminders of how much I don't like this current contractor.

There were a lot of things that went wrong during the transition, but one thing got way easier: The request for withdrawal. It used to take weeks (especially a rollover withdrawal) and required a notarized signature from a spouse. If it was a rollover, you needed to get a page of the form filled out by the receiving brokerage. Now it's all done online, you set up the receiving brokerage in your account and your spouse is emailed a link to concur. The only negative to this new process is when you want to change or cancel an existing recurring withdrawal, you have to first call them to cancel it before you can access the recurring withdrawal page on the website. It was easy but had the unnecessary step requiring a phone call.
Sorting through my junk email account of the TSP emails (Who inherits your TSP?) had a unsubscribe link at the bottom so I clicked on it and got the following:

Sorry, this site or page is currently unavailable. Our engineers are working to restore service as quickly as possible.

For updates, please visit govDelivery_System_Status at


Somehow I'm not surprised
There were a lot of things that went wrong during the transition, but one thing got way easier: The request for withdrawal. It used to take weeks (especially a rollover withdrawal) and required a notarized signature from a spouse. If it was a rollover, you needed to get a page of the form filled out by the receiving brokerage. Now it's all done online, you set up the receiving brokerage in your account and your spouse is emailed a link to concur. The only negative to this new process is when you want to change or cancel an existing recurring withdrawal, you have to first call them to cancel it before you can access the recurring withdrawal page on the website. It was easy but had the unnecessary step requiring a phone call.
I'm currently stuck with SEPP until I turn 59.5 later this year. Trying to figure out how to transfer part of my TSP someplace else sooner rather than later. I am thinking about canceling LE payments and requesting fixed payments for the same amount to comply with the IRS rules and then make a rollover/transfer of part of my account. My concern is how to do this without TSP messing anything up in the process. It is good to know that rollover withdrawals are easier now!

Anyone have any experience with changing from LE to fixed payments or changing monthly or quarterly payments? if so any pitfalls to avoid?

Has anyone switched from monthly to quarterly payment? If so how does that work? Would you get them at the beginning or end of the quarter? I called TSP today but nothing can be changed until tomorrow prior to 12:00 EST, so I'll have to call sounded like they would go into effect 3 months later according to the person I spoke with today.
My payment in April was deposited on the 16th when the email said the 19th. This month it's scheduled for the 18th and I haven't seen it deposited yet.

Oh, did I mention I also get a text message telling me about the upcoming payment? So, 4 emails and one text.
Ref: Funds management[FONT=&quot][COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]Geo

I am a retired civil servant annuitant living overseas and have been retired for 16 years.
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]I get social security each month no notification by US mail
I get interest each month no notification by US mail
I get Civil service annuity each month no notification by US mail
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]Under the old TSP service I received a monthly annuity and No postal communication of the deposit.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]Under the new system , I changed my profile to E-mail only with No postal communication and yet I continue to receive a letter each month costing a $1.40 for postage.(us postage $.60). Get 2 emails to prime and alt addresses.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]Note: Paperwork Reduction Act compliance?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]Assuming 50 percent participants are retired and At US postal rates that would equate to nearly 10 million per year of needless administrative costs.

They are spending our money!
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]I have spoken to several of my civil service and military colleagues and they also confirm the same is happening to them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]The figures for total annuitants below is based from info at FEDSMITH.COM and I am not sure of the exact figures.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]However conservatively my figures are as follows:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(8, 27, 51, 0.8)]CSRS 1,71,000
FERS 966,000
total 2,683000
assume tsp 0.50
Total TSP annuitants 1,341500
US Postage $0.60
Per month $804900
12 Month total

Sent from Mail for Windows
The only negative to this new process is when you want to change or cancel an existing recurring withdrawal, you have to first call them to cancel it before you can access the recurring withdrawal page on the website. It was easy but had the unnecessary step requiring a phone call.

I have an update on this. Today, I planned to call TSP to cancel my current installment payment so I could go online after to set up a new amount. While on the site to look for the phone number I noticed they have the option to do this online. No more phone call required. Not the topic of this thread but since I wrote the above, I thought I'd update it. In the "Withdrawals and Rollovers" section, in the right side column under the heading "Other Resources" is the link to cancel future installments.