Android App Issue After System Update

There is still no menu button on there, unfortunately. I have figured the tapatalk. It takes many more taps to get to the right place, but it works so its no big deal if the other one doesn't.

Thanks for taking a look at it.
Also, it may just be easier to visit the site via one or more of your mobile browsers; trying both desktop modes and mobile versions.
I don't think so, but it looks like a lot has changed in the mobile app world since I set things up. The one you show there is actually an updated version (uploaded yesterday) and I was wondering if that helped? Can you try it?

I have the latest version loaded and I believe the latest Android software and it seems to be working.

Otherwise, try downloading the tapa talk app (not tsptalk) and once that is loaded you search for tsp talk to view the forum. Tapa Talk has many forums within it that you can view.

Thanks for your patience!


My phone just updated to Android 6.0, Marshmallow. After this update the menu button has disappeared from the app. I can't navigate anywhere except click on the posts that show up on the home screen. Could you please check this out. I can't check for my IT signal alerts in the app any longer.

Thank you,