Allocations, Tech Indicators


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I'm new to this site although not new to investing. I have just started scratching the surface of these message boards and was wondering what you all, asTSPparticipants,find useful as technical indicators (moving averages, MACD, RSI, stochastics, etc.). For the most part I have read posts like, "100% I Fund" but no further explanation as to why this asset allocation is being applied. Are most of these posts from users deciding off the top of their heads, or are they following indicators, news/hype?

Currently, I'm following the hype more than indicators because of the January Effect --I'm favoring the s-fund. Also, Ifind myself still married to the I-fund after such a good year.I also see theS&P and Wilshire 4500withRSI indicating short-term overbought levels... 70+ for 9 day RSI.If it wasn't for the year end hype and the January Effect, I would be taking some of those profits off the table.Dependingon the technical indicators and moving averages,theC-fund may soundlike the place to be after the January Effect fizzles...all I hear in the news is "flight to quality." Agree,disagree, comments? LOVE THE IDEA of Tsp participants sharing ideas and strategies.
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Welcomb, Fedgolfer! When I joined last month I thought I had already checked out all the information.Some of the forums titles didn't particularly catch my eye, & I skipped them - don't do that!! :oo

There are eight Forums, and different subjects in each - and everyone gets to chatting back & forth, it is fascinating!! Be sure you look at the Forum down a bit from this one - different ones have a slot :hfor just their numbers, and then a second slot open for discussion. There is no shortage of encouragement, cheers, questioning decisions here! And no shortage of rationales!! Enjoy!! AndI will look forward to your postings!:^
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Welcome fedgolfer!

I use many indicators. Some of my favorites are theoverbought/oversold indicators,McClellan Oscillator,the ARMS 10 day moving average, index moving averages, support and resistance lines on the index charts. I also use a few psychological indicators like the put/call ratios,bullish/bearish sentiment indicators, seasonality dataand the VIX (volatility index). Plus the standard moving averages