Hey everyone,
This is my first time posting and I'm still pretty new to this game. I believe in getting as much advice as possible before making decisions, so I thought I'd seek the wise advice of those of you who are more seasoned investors and/or more knowledgable. I'm trying to build a diversified portfolio in a similar manner to that suggested by William Bernstein, that is, build a diversified portfolio, play it a little risky at first, let it sit for the long run, and rebalance occassionally. I'm 25, am currently maxing out my TSP at 40I/35S/25C and have ~30,000 invested at this allocation. I may do an interfund transfer this year to ramp up my C allocation and tone down my S allocation. I also have a 4400 Roth IRA invested in the Vanguard STAR fund, which I plan on redirecting to something more specific this year. I will also be maxing out my Roth for 2006 and 2007. I'm trying to diversify through my Roth. Thus, I'm looking to choose three areas for diversification. In the vein of Bernstein and Bogle, I'm looking particularly at index funds and low-cost mutual funds. So, my question is, what would you out there recommend as the most important diversification moves to make outside of the TSP at this stage. Thanks for your help!
This is my first time posting and I'm still pretty new to this game. I believe in getting as much advice as possible before making decisions, so I thought I'd seek the wise advice of those of you who are more seasoned investors and/or more knowledgable. I'm trying to build a diversified portfolio in a similar manner to that suggested by William Bernstein, that is, build a diversified portfolio, play it a little risky at first, let it sit for the long run, and rebalance occassionally. I'm 25, am currently maxing out my TSP at 40I/35S/25C and have ~30,000 invested at this allocation. I may do an interfund transfer this year to ramp up my C allocation and tone down my S allocation. I also have a 4400 Roth IRA invested in the Vanguard STAR fund, which I plan on redirecting to something more specific this year. I will also be maxing out my Roth for 2006 and 2007. I'm trying to diversify through my Roth. Thus, I'm looking to choose three areas for diversification. In the vein of Bernstein and Bogle, I'm looking particularly at index funds and low-cost mutual funds. So, my question is, what would you out there recommend as the most important diversification moves to make outside of the TSP at this stage. Thanks for your help!