Adestonobises' Account Talk


New member
Hi all! I figured that after losing almost half the value of my TSP before pulling out for a while, while the market was recovering, of course, I should pay more attention to managing my account. So, I joined in September, I think, while I was all in the G. I studied, procrastinated, and then studied some more, then jumped in. I don't have a style, yet, but I've noticed that the sentiment survey went well this year ;-) As a technical type by trade, it never occurred to me that sentiment was important in making investment decisions. Now, I know a little better. I'm just reading, learning, and I plan to go with what seems to be working at the time. I read Tom's comments each day, and Coolhand's sometimes, and Intrepid_Trader's too. In between, I do some work. I may not check in here too often, so don't be surprised if I don't respond for a while. Good luck to all. Let's all work to be winners!
Had the same revelation myself about 6 - 7 years ago. I thought to myself, "Hey this is my future, I may need to start learning this stuff!!" Found this web site and others (Thanks to the Guys here) have learned ten fold of what I ever thought I would. Welcome my friend! Welcome.:nuts:
