adam's account talk

Welcome adam! Thanks for joining us!

I saw you got on the Autotracker. Good luck!
I tried to link my tracker to this thread but I'm not sure I can do everything all at once. I imagine I need to wait a day for that initial IFT to go in?
That link just below your username / title / Likes will take you there after I process your first IFT tonight about 8 PM ET.
IFTs on Autotracker are not reflective of, correct? One must conduct an IFT on to allocate funds. Autotracker is just "for fun", so we all can learn how the market changes and how to increase one's return, yes?
Good Luck Adam. You have come to the right place for good and diverse opinions on TSP allocations.

I think you are spot on especially if you are young or new it is good to be aggressive in stocks.

I am retired and knowing nothing I was way to conservative for way to long but things work out.

Welcome aboard!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

I alluded to this in my 'introduction' post, but its probably worth repeating here. I'm 10 years into federal service, with 20+ to go. I'm not sure I can actually retire immediately at 30 years because I'll only be 54, but I'd sure like to try. I think I read somewhere that I can start withdrawing without penalty from the TSP the calendar year in which I turn 55, and that sounds alright to me. I'd have to wait another few years to get my pension though, and another few years (closer to a decade) to start collecting SS.

So if you do that math, I'm 34. I'll be 35 this year. Yikes.

Anyways, I've been 100% in stocks since day 1. I've never maxed out my contributions, but I am fairly certain I've always had at least 5% to get my match. Right now I'm at 10% +5%. Just to confirm, the annual limit of $17,500 or whatever it is now, that's just for my contributions, correct? The matching can go over that right?

I've actually been thinking it may soon be time to start shifting that 100% stock allocation to a 90/10, 80/20, 70/30 sort of allocation between CSI/FG. I just haven't really decided how soon, and how much yet. The consensus thus far, before I registered here, was 80/20. Its been a busy week so I haven't had as much time as I thought to peruse the forums to see what the thinking was around here.
I changed my contribution allocation and did an interfund transfer today. My new allocation is:
G = 15%
C = 60%
S = 15%
I = 10%

I had been 100% stocks for long enough, I decided to move a little money into the G fund. I couldn't really decide between 10 and 20% so I split the difference. Not exactly the most academic of reasons.
Who can tell what will happen but this month seems to be a good time to be at least a little conservative.

Good luck.
Who can tell what will happen but this month seems to be a good time to be at least a little conservative.

Good luck.

Ride the I Fund still....waiting for the F fund to finish correction. Best funds performing today...C Fund, I Fund, then S Fund. S Fund lagging and that is of concern at the moment. I Fund would be winning if not for the strong dollar inhibiting return. Come on you strong dollar, sell know your overbought!

C and I Fund now running neck and neck. Looks like an even race between the two. S Fund still lagging.