50 million taxpayers [itemized deductions] must delay filing - IRS

Though itemizers can work on their tax returns before the IRS is ready to accept them, the government said people should not send them in before it is ready to process the returns.


Really, talk about dumbing down the story.

Actually, I start to crack the books sometime in...APRIL> :D

Actually, the most important part of these articles is that the IRS is hard at work adjusting their computer systems to reflect the extension of the Bush tax code. My guess is that the real problem is the new stupidity in the tax code - not the extention of the code.

I mean, how hard would it have been to keep things the same.

But, it could be hard to adjust the Social Security tax.

Now, will it affect our withholding schedule.

Be ready for a few paychecks with less take home pay:)
Yah, story was not well written. The most important part is us itemizers have to wait.

Yah tell me about it, most news stories nowadays are poorly written AND full of errors too boot - (should we blame spell checker?)

And I am not a great proofreader, but the errors just stick out like a sore thumb. Profusion of frequently occuring inane statements like above are just icing on their literary cake, which is in a state of "flopping" to new levels of incompetency on a regular basis.

A reflection of our country's declining academic standards - these young, budding "journalists" in the US are great at maintaining the bias factor and
political correctness in what they pen.

Guess thats whats important, eh?