2manyiron's Account Talk


New member
I'm a little new to this, and I am still learning all the ins and outs. So please excuse my ignorance up-front.
I have a question for the learned TSP Talk audience. Would a strategy that follows have some merits?
Looking at TSP's IFT Procedures: An interfund transfer requested by 12:00 noon eastern time on a business day will generally be processed that night. The new investment percentages can be viewed online the next business day.
What if you were in C or S and by watching the markets, and the news that effects the markets, you saw a large up-gain start one day, and by 11:30-11:45, it looked like a big day for that fund. Before noon ET, you put in an IFT to the G or F. I know some times big changes can occur after 12:00 ET. But often, does not a picture form early, that will give an indicator of the day?
No one knows what the next day will bring, but often the next day a drop comes after a big gain day.
The Palladium proverb: Boom is always followed by bust.
So then the next day or two, also watching the news and markets, on a day when the fund is in a big downward path, you put in for a IFT back to that fund, or to one of the other S,C,or F funds, before noon.
I know you can only have 2 unrestricted IFTs per month, but at least twice a month you could try this.
I am not encouraging anyone to start this if you don't know the markets well, I might not know what I am talking about. But you can't tell me no one has tried this, I know timing is important, and some knowledge of the market trends would be needed, but could it work and prevent some of the losses from time to time, that occur the day after a big gain day?
Once again, please excuse my ignorance, if I have overlooked some obvious flaw.
I would really appreciate any posts on the benefits/errors of this plan.
Several folks on the MB were using that system when we had unlimited IFTs. But I think most try to think a little bit more long-term now that we only have 2 IFTs a month. Bottom line is whatever works for you.

And welcome to the board! :)
I know you can only have 2 unrestricted IFTs per month, but at least twice a month you could try this.

You could only do that ONCE a month because in order to get it done you have to use both of your IFTs. It works a little better if you can be "in" going into the first of the month and use your first IFT to get "out." Then you still have 1 more IFT left to get back in.

You're on the right track. If you get it figured out please let me know. :D

Welcome to the Board 2manyirons, the Limit on IFTs really puts the handcuffs on us when it comes to playing the daily market fluctuations, if you jump in to catch a BOUNCE then you are limited to only 1 more IFT for the month with the exception of the outs to the "G" Fund. We are forced to play it on a Monthly basis which is a different ball game, or sit on the sidelines and wait it out.:sick:
Best of luck:D