2,000 members


Congratulations Tom,
I see that you now have over 2,000 members. Thanks for giving us this free site to learn from!
Thanks Gilligan. Who knows how many of those 2000 are still around posting, but did you ever notice that there are a lot more guests online than members at any given time? I don't know if they've had a hard time registering, if they just like to read only, or something else, but it can be a 3 to 1 ratio or more, guests to members online.
tsptalk said:
... did you ever notice that there are a lot more guests online than members at any given time? I don't know if they've had a hard time registering, if they just like to read only, or something else...

I don't recall why I previewed for so long before I joined . But - maybe a little entertainment might encourage the others - to show we are Not Stuffies - !!!
(you have to participate for this to work - click like on greeting cards - )
tsptalk said:
but did you ever notice that there are a lot more guests online than members at any given time? I don't know if they've had a hard time registering, if they just like to read only, or something else, but it can be a 3 to 1 ratio or more, guests to members online.

I think you have more guests than members online becuase some members may just surf the site without logging in. I for one do not login while I am surfing unless I need to post.

ocean said:
I think you have more guests than members online becuase some members may just surf the site without logging in. I for one do not login while I am surfing unless I need to post.


I think Ur right Ocean. I don't have any automatic logins on any computer I don't have absolute security over.

IMHO: It would be neat to have a comparison of how TSP has done over the years and how TSPTalk has done! But, I don't know where one would get the stats.

Grandma: It's just nice that since 2004 Tom came up with this site where we can try and help each other out! Like your greetings!

Rgds...........:) ............Spaf
I keep a browser window opened pretty much all day at work so I can just pop over and hit the refresh button when I want to see if anything new is happening.

I lurked for several months, before becoming a member, just to get the feel of the place and to get the courage up to post w/o being to much of an idiot. :D

I know people who read the message board and Tom's comments regularly but don't post anything because they feel they have nothing to give. I tell'em you don't have to be a stock genius to just express and opinion.
I lurked for several months, before becoming a member, just to get the feel of the place and to get the courage up to post w/o being to much of an idiot. :D

DITTO for me too....CB. I'm not much up on the market BUT I try....
I'm surprised I'm #3 on the tracker.....My better half says he will need the shoe horn to help me get my head in the door when I get home.:D
Congratulations Tom,
I see that you now have over 2,000 members. Thanks for giving us this free site to learn from!

I lurked for several months, before becoming a member, just to get the feel of the place and to get the courage up to post w/o being to much of an idiot. :D


I lurked around for 7 months before joining and making my first post in the I fund thread. I owe it all to Gilligan. If it hadn't been for Gilligan not posting the I fund estimates, because of working 3rd shifts, I might still be lurking.:D
Hi Guys,

350zCommTech I lurked around trying to learn something. " I Think I Have, I Think I have!" so I decided it was time to start a NEW YEAR by being a member and have RoKid track my progress on the tracker. ......Well at least it has been PROGRESS so far....."I'm in the money"....:D / Hopefully it will stay that way.

Congrats!!!! Tom Love the site I read everyday..... Great insight on tomorrow.....lets me know it someone else is thinking what I'm thinking
so i can make an informed decision on what might happen tomorrow.....Then I know where to keep my money so I can make Lots more $$$$$.....Thanks Tom.
Last edited:
I lurked around for 7 months before joining and making my first post in the I fund thread. I owe it all to Gilligan. If it hadn't been for Gilligan not posting the I fund estimates, because of working 3rd shifts, I might still be lurking.:D

Thanks 350,
I would have to give credit to Wheels for helping me understand the FV. I am so glad that you took over the I fund estimates, I don't feel chained to a computer 30 minutes before the deadline anymore.
A light bulb just went off. We are all going to be rich, and I'm going to one day write a book about this experience.
