Recent content by thinks

  1. T

    Federal resume services ?????

    Hi, I was just going to start searching for this. I don't need it for the resume, but for the KSAs. Let me know if you discover anything useful and I'll do the same. Hopefully, someone will come thru and post a tried and true.
  2. T

    Frizz B Account Talk

    imported post Have you always only used one fund at a time or did your system perfect that too? Got a question for ya and it's because of someone else's post about diversification in the roth fund... do you worry about that or do you feel since you have other diversification out there (I'm...
  3. T

    Why i wont be posting here anymore

    imported post I had problems a few times myself and the first time I knew it was the site acting up as it was giving me problems... I'm glad you're staying... lively discussions makes the mind grow, ya know.;):D
  4. T

    How much should one save?

    imported post I would like to hear more about the college savings plans you have Frizz and also about the life insurance, Tom. We don't have kids yet but probably some day so that's what got me thinking now to do it at time of the birth would be the best plan. I think that would be a great plan...
  5. T

    Frizz B Account Talk

    imported post oh,I've tried emailing Frizz 3 times and each coming back so I'll try again today sometime. tsptalk wrote:
  6. T


    imported post oh, you're saying maybe some book chats//////
  7. T


    imported post Tom, I was wondering if you have a reference section or maybe we could just start a thread of books that are a good read to have all in one place that would be easy to find.If someone suggestions a book maybe if they could say a little about it too. Just a thought.
  8. T

    Any tips on lowering TAXES?

    imported post For example, I had read somewhere a while back for homeowners for every other year (I believe) in Dec. you pay your Jan. mtg in Dec. to get tax savings (more) for the tax year. Any comments? Does anyone do, for instance, a home side business to reduce taxes and care to add your...
  9. T

    Roth IRA... a good time?

    imported post Rolo, nice ride!!!:^You definitely don't need'pimp my ride'(the tv show)... looks like you're doing nicely on your own. Wow, is all I can say! I'll show my dh this weekend... thanks for your link. I'll have to search 'n see if there's a site for our car as it looks like your...
  10. T

    CSB/REDUX Calculator

    imported post We've also read about this before and all I've ever read makes my conclusion one shouldn't do it either. One needs to really research it all the way through before just leaping at this.... some people I don't think fully get it.
  11. T

    Any tips on lowering TAXES?

    imported post Does anyone have good tips on lowering taxes? Thought we could bounce ideas off of one another and I could learn or research more from what's shared. Looking forward to any discussions.:) We're new homeowners so wondering about that.
  12. T

    Let someone manage your own money???

    imported post Welcome, Oldman! I guess, I'm not sure what you mean... care to expand? Maybe I just need some food and when I come back I'll understand. ;)
  13. T

    Thinking of putting everything in the G

    imported post Welcome, fant16! Rolo, you've got me curious.... I'm off to find out what your stock picks are.... are these the picks from USAA? I'll have to check out USAA too. I use quicken to track our spending.... aren't you the one who puts TSP in quicken and if so do you have any tips?
  14. T


    imported post That confused me a little when C (seemed out of nowhere) to do better than S fund... I was thinking this year the S had been doing better.... care to expand on this? I wasn't home to make a move today... have none in 'G'.
  15. T

    What percentage of your portfolio...TSP?

    imported post I first made the mistake of doing the poll then hitting 'view results' instead of hitting the vote button... not sure if others are doing this too.?.