Recent content by shiftomnimega

  1. S

    Coming up: Cash in your unused leave for TSP

    I think being able to take terminal leave is better. Then again I've never been in a use or lose.
  2. S

    Is my money better off in the TSP?

    Thanks, this is something to consider. I wasn't planning on selling off the entire portfolio. I'm keeping my more conservative holdings. If I ever feel like trading heavy again I'll play with ETFs. If I was to follow the plan of action you provided, then I would need to go to Brokerage...
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    Is my money better off in the TSP?

    The instructor did discuss all these topics in class. Front loading, and leaving the match on the table. Only G fund being guaranteed (and how it isn't a good 'investment'). What the max is and catchup contributions. I sort of truncated the class into a couple sentences to avoid being too...
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    Is my money better off in the TSP?

    During my two deployments I was able to throw a lot of money into a non-retirement portfolio. I'm on the civilian side now and received a FERS retirement class. The instructor swears that any money you put aside for retirement is way better spent within the TSP than any other vehicle (dirt...
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    Nontaxable Combat pay contributions to IRA

    Just in case some it hasn't filtered down: ... NEWS RELEASES from the United States Department of Defense No. 487-06 IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 30, 2006 President Bush Signs New Tax Legislation for Military Personnel On May 29, President Bush signed the Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunities...
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    Small-Stock Gems

    It concerns me that this fund is going against its normal investment policy. They say in the prospectus that they normally invest at least 80% of their assets in stocks. I guess these aren't normal times, but it throws me off when a manager isn't doing what a prospectus says he'll normally do...
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    Deployment advice??

    The whole time I had SDP they never put remarks on my Army LES. I noticed that once I closed out the account I got a "monthly statement" even though it was the first one I ever got. On mypay it's the option below LES. But about withdrawing... I hope everyone kept their Cash Collection...
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    Can someone take me to school on this one? I'm pretty new to the game. Isn't everything positively correlated because just about everything is doing super well for the past few years? Is the market not allowed to be this awesome all over the spectrum some of the time? Does the fact that...
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    Dump your savings account

    I actually discuss that in my email. I know HSBCdirect has a 4.8% APR online savings account and Etrade offers a 4.7% money market. I was pointing this at my friends and fam who have had large sums of money in savings accounts since the mid 80s.
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    Dump your savings account

    This is an exerpt of an email I wrote to my friends. It had links in it, but I posted the most relevant one. Don't take the title too seriously. That line is mostly for people, like my friends and family, that hold large sums of money in savings acounts. I'm don't mean to tell any of you...
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    Best day for Monthly Contributions?

    I find this interesting. I set my auto-EFTs set on the 16th of the month just because it's the day after my second pay period of the month. I just picked the earliest day that I'd have the most extra money in my account. I never thought to market time it. What if our fund companies found out...
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    Emerging Market Funds

    I've been rebalancing my portfolio this week and purged my emerging market fund because 1) underperformance and 2) it caused a few redundancies with my new funds. I had no idea about this. Bad news with those funds with big middle east holdings. Most of the ones I've researched have their big...
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    Birchtree's Account Talk

    Re: Birchtree's account talk I recently wrote up an article for a few of my friends just getting into TSP. One of the allocation possibilities I listed was 100% C Fund. I linked to your allocation thread and gave a brief description of why it's a good idea based on what I've read from your...
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    Incorrect W2

    Thankfully the withheld income and taxable wages is correct. However, the block 12 and 14 part of my W2 is wrong. This reflects how much I dumped into TSP. This is actually kinda normal. My LES always shows my latest deposit into TSP as tax deferred and then the next month switches it into...
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    Update and Request

    imported post I have been pretty lethargic about maxing out my savings deposit plan. I started it up so late in the game that I probablywouldn't receive the 10 percent return anyway. I'm fully expecting a one year tour to the sandbox once I'm six months off of this tour. I look at it from...