Recent content by recliner

  1. R

    Playing the I fund

    Whats everyones thought about today. Gettin in, gettin out, let it ride? thanks Terp
  2. R

    Playing the I fund

    Mr Colts going to whip all over your Bears.
  3. R

    Playing the I fund

    Saints are going to whip all over you. The Seahawks are going to send Bears packing. The Colts are going all the way.
  4. R

    sugarandspice's Account Talk

    Re: sugarandspice account talk Sorry, The Colts will take the prize
  5. R

    Playing the I fund

    Well kiss my sisters black cats a$$, I'm back where I was in Nov.
  6. R

    Playing the I fund

    whats the damage today?
  7. R

    Playing the I fund

    anyone going to stay over the weekend?
  8. R

    Playing the I fund

  9. R

    Playing the I fund

    we still down?
  10. R

    Playing the I fund

    Mr Mr 350Z that link won't work for me when I click on it. That EFA (I fund) graph at bottom of this page is not what you use?
  11. R

    Playing the I fund

    Mr you might think this is a stupid question but what the hay: today I fund open at 73.77 closed at 74.20 for a -$.05. Wed. if I fund opens at 74.20 and closes at 75.20, it be a bad day for us right?
  12. R

    ChemEng's Account talk...

    Mr ChemEng, where do you get the futures at? Thanks
  13. R


    Mr you hit it right on the nail grandma. I agree.
  14. R

    Love fest?

    Won't take long for the love fest between Pelosi and President to end. The Dems are not going to play ball. They already say that John Bolton is to combative to stay as ambassador to UN, I guess they want some one the UN can push around (sissy, no guts). Come 2008 the Dem's will have **** in...
  15. R

    Playing the I fund

    Hey boys do we stay with the I-fund through the weekend or get out before noon today? Thanks Terp