Recent content by RazorCat

  1. RazorCat

    New system glitch!!!

    Been following this thread for a few days now. I hab
  2. RazorCat

    Early Retirement May Speed Up Cognitive Decline

    I’m more physically and mentally active since retiring at 56 years, 8 months. My job as a Regional Supervisor involved mostly administrative tasks, sitting behind a computer, and occasional physical labor when on travel with my team. My last year was spent coordinating parts of my job with...
  3. RazorCat


    Pompeo is taking this where the intelligence leads. And who else would it be at this point in time besides Iran? They’ve threatened retaliation for the crippling sanctions the U.S. has imposed. I saw video this morning of an Iranian attack boat attempting remove a unexplored mine from one of...
  4. RazorCat

    Your TSP account when you die

    My wife and I discussed this shortly after I retired. I took it upon myself to assemble some steps she should take in the event of my death that helps her out since TSP can be a little daunting for non-participants. During the processing of my retirement paperwork in 2013 I spoke with my...
  5. RazorCat

    Too much $$$ in a 529 plan???

    We have a 529 for each of our granddaughters that were started at ages 5, 3, and 1. Been a wonderful investment to help with their future education expenses. They’re invested in American Funds. We’ve invested $100.00 per month per account for well over 10 years. My son almost fell out when...
  6. RazorCat

    Asset allocation at TSP...

    I use one of the premium services available on here, so my allocations change from month to month. Members get periodic Buy and Sell signals. A Buy signal means you move to equities (C, S, or I), a Sell signal means you move to G or F. The frequency and length of signals vary based on system...
  7. RazorCat


    There was a period where I would move in and out of I fund to other funds a couple times a week if I recall correctly. That was quite a while back, but I remember it being a very profitable couple of years.
  8. RazorCat


    Increased workload on NFC staff, overburdening an antiquated computer system, increased risk and other adverse affects on the balances of other TSP investors, TSP investors lacked the investing knowledge to be making frequent moves with their retirement account funds. Just a few of the reasons...
  9. RazorCat


    How I handle and move my money around has little, or no, affect on other people’s account balance. Got one of the “cease and desist” letters many years ago. My crime was moving in and out of I fund on numerous times in a month. Horse$h!+. It was simply a case of TSP NOT wanting the extra...
  10. RazorCat

    IT TSP Strategies 2 still no worky

    Re: IT TSP Strategies 2 still a disaster Working on the android tablet that came with my TV. First time I’ve used it to access TspTalk, so no previous history, cookies, etc. IOS and OS devices are working fine in the mentioned subforum.
  11. RazorCat

    Forum Problems Solved?

    I have to check the “Remember Me” box when I login. After that, no problem. And I did note as mentioned that the quote isn’t included when selecting “Reply With Quote”. Not a biggie. Just mentioning it.
  12. RazorCat

    Share Your TSP Balance and Your Age Thread

    Max out your contributions to the extent possible each year. At your age, and with a commendable TSP balance, you have the advantage of compound interest working in your favor for literally decades to come. I’m sure other have compounding calculators that they use to project future balances...
  13. RazorCat

    Post Your "12-Month Personal Rate of Return"

    Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 08/31/2018 is 13.06%. (Your PIP is posted by the 3rd business day of each month.)
  14. RazorCat

    Passing of Burrocrat

    Burrocrat was one of a kind. Few could match his wit when he was on a roll. And that was more often than not. He was one man I would truly would like to have met. You will be missed immensely Burro. We will keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
  15. RazorCat

    RealMoneyIssues' Account Talk

    Another politician who's also a crook. Lucrative board of director jobs would seem to be the logical path for ex-Congressmen and women. But, a sitting Congressperson should be prohibited from such a position, whether it's a foreign or domestic company. I agree Khotso. He's a criminal, and...