Recent content by Propstrike

  1. Propstrike

    Market Talk / Jan. 7 - 13

    Like the new tin box, Spaf. Thanks
  2. Propstrike

    Market Talk / Jan. 7 - 13
  3. Propstrike

    Market Talk / Dec. 31 - Jan. 6

    Big Balls Birch, I'll wait out the 10% break and jump in for the surge. I predict 10-12 days of downward before the pullup. GO BULLS!
  4. Propstrike

    New to board

    Good luck and welcome!
  5. Propstrike

    Market Talk / Dec. 17 - 23

    If you don't eat your meat, how can you have any pudding? How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
  6. Propstrike

    Interfund Transfer 12/20 for 12/21/06

    Nice move on the F. Hope the new year brings mega profits and good health for everyone. Merry Christsmas and thanks for all you do.
  7. Propstrike

    Playing the I fund

    Thanks 350
  8. Propstrike

    Playing the I fund

    Will I fund share price drop accordingly?
  9. Propstrike

    Playing the I fund

    I was wondering what happened.
  10. Propstrike

    Market Talk / Dec. 17 - 23

    Makes me wonder about what's looming for January
  11. Propstrike

    S Fund

    Good analysis. Hope it pays out for you.
  12. Propstrike

    Market Talk / Dec. 17 - 23

    Interesting info here about insiders....
  13. Propstrike

    Market Talk / Dec. 17 - 23

    Something I read awhile back. About half way down the page. Seams like lately resistance at the 74.50, just an amateur observation.
  14. Propstrike

    Griffin Account Talk

    Nice move on the S.
  15. Propstrike

    Market Talk / Dec. 17 - 23

    Who cares about the eff'n drama, lets make some money. C bounced off and held support at 1415, that's good. I fund stayed above 73.70 all day, also good for support. Gamblers choice on S, looks like a house bet to me.