Recent content by Partyartie

  1. Partyartie

    "F" Fund Basics

    I understand that the F Fund is invested in Barclays U.S. Debt Index Fund, which tracks the Lehman Bros. US Aggregate Index. Since this is an index fund, it is not actively managed. Am I correct in assuming that given these facts, the bonds held are not adjusted with respect to maturities? For...
  2. Partyartie

    Current Returns & Transactions

    Thanks, EWGuy for the response to my question! :) I would add, too, that I certainly appreciate the availability of this forum as a vehicle for discussion and learning. My reference to the TSP Talk Trading results vs. those of the TSP Talk Long Term results was merely a statement of...
  3. Partyartie

    Current Returns & Transactions

    :confused: I have reviewed the Current Returns & Transactions Chart and must confess to some confusion. Specifically, I noted the returns in the columns entitled TSP Talk Trading and TSP Talk Long Term. Unfortunately, the Longer Term Market Outlook provides three (3) possible long term...
  4. Partyartie

    Dollar Cost Averaging is a Myth?

    Having read the Middleton article and digested all that has been written here, I find that I cannot/will not write off the concept of dollar cost averaging. Since the statistics show that investing in common stocks has provided the best return (compared to other types of investments) since the...