Recent content by oneyoungbuck

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    My Hands Are Tied

    imported post I would definately pay $5- $10 per month. Since I found this website it has been an awesome tool for my retirement plans. Tom, you have given me so much knowledge it is only fair that I give something back to you so as to keep gaining that knowledge. I have turned so many people...
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    F R O "FrizzB. Rolo Oscillator ACCOUNT TALK

    imported post Yeah, no kidding. I also wanted to know if Frizz changed his differentials. Where have they been? Frizz was very informing as well as Rolo. Come on back guys!
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    Transfer 9/1 for 9/2/04

    imported post After reading your Allocation report today I couldnt help but say "Now I get it". I understand the "Trap" you are talking about. I assumed the Market would be down today but I stayed invested with the thought it was just a trend of some sort. But now I see the "LIGHT", well done.
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    World Equities markets headed lower - Into G-Fund

    imported post Look, I am no expert but the Market has showed no signs of making a Big move up. Oil prices are killing us and all these big conglomerates are not making money because our economy has stalled. All I am saying is the beating we are taking is not necessary. Maybe you have the funds...
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    World Equities markets headed lower - Into G-Fund

    imported post I have to agree with Bill at this point. I went 100%G for Monday, enough is enough. Yes the Market will come back but why take the beating that we have been receiving lately. Its not like the Market is going to jump 2% in one day. Its going to come back a little at a time. So...
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    Transfer 7/28 for 7/29/04

    imported post This section is for the Administrators comments on his TSP allocations and why he believes the market will do certain things (up or down). This is not for someone to write, should I say copy, an article out of the newspaper about the days action on the market. Have a little more...
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    Transfer 7/16 for 7/19/04

    imported post Well I have been 80%s and 20%G for nearly a week now. So, I am going against ALL the differentials, averages, etc.. The market has hit a year low so common sense says its on the way UP!! right? Since I am going to Virginia Beach for the week ahead I am going 40%C, 40%S and 20%I...
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    fuzzduzz account talk

    imported post I have been 40%c and 60%s for the last 3 trading days. I ahve noticed that the C fund has been outperforming the S fund lately so will probably allocate heavier to the C fund. I was watching CNBC a about a week ago and someone, I cant remember his name, stated that he beleived...
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    In or Out?

    imported post Well based on the differentials its either in with stocks or go 100%G. The C fund and S fund prices are nearly at thier lowest points since June 1st. Do they continue to drop or are they on the way up? Thats the question. I am going to go 100%G for tomorrow based on Frizz B...
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    Ugh! New Sentiment Survey Is In

    imported post Dont get down Tom, the Market seems to be up one day down the next. I went 100%C today, man I am taking a hit. But, that means the market should be up tomorrow, LOL. I know I am realitively new at this but the Market seems to be very tough to call the past 3 months. Oh well, lets...
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    F R O "FrizzB. Rolo Oscillator ACCOUNT TALK

    imported post Whats up Frizz? I have a question about an entry on the 5th of June. Could you please elaborate on how you take the top highs and lows of each cycle then divide by the number of entries. Is this the one month high and low? or is it more than that? The reason is I would like to...
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    Monday, 21 June- Rally???

    imported post Yeah, I read the news on Wachovia today also. Hope its a good sign for today. The market has been somewhat of a Flatline these past few days.
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    Too much risk vs reward

    imported post Where do you get the bullish-bearish ratios?
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    Moving to S Fund

    imported post I will be 25G and 75S for tomorrow. The differentials are still screaming SELL!! C Fundis at 87, I Fund is at 43, and F Fund is at 293 (above the mean). Still feal the S Fund will perform for tomorrow.
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    F R O "FrizzB. Rolo Oscillator ACCOUNT TALK

    imported post As of now the differentials are C87, F293, and I43. I am going 25G, 75S for tomorrow. How does that sound to you?