Recent content by NASAguy

  1. N

    Anyone using the New TSP Mutual Fund Window?

    Yes I am. I moved about 20% in last fall but only got serious with it in January. So far it my MFW funds are up nearly 25% so far, mostly due to the use of the BTCFX fund as I got in when it was cheap. I'm still figuring out how to deal with it, but I think I'm going to focus on about 25 to...
  2. N

    350Z's I fund thread NOV 07

    That was supposed to be a secret.
  3. N

    TSP board to limit interfund transfers

    The contact information is located here: I only see phone and fax numbers. I intend on faxing a letter to them today.
  4. N

    TSP board to limit interfund transfers

    I'm not quite sure how much of this is just talk and how much is real. I see the article, but the limits for transfers are specifically addressed in the law that governs the TSP. Therefore, I'm not sure the Board can just change the rules as stated in the article. Here is a link to the...
  5. N

    Kingdom Retirement [Chapter 1 Planning]

    My agency has performed the buyout option several times in the past ten years. The 25K will be about 17.3K as they take the tax out the front end. Of course, when you figure in the cost of going to work in gas, stress, clothes, stress, food, stress, the 17.3 looks good!
  6. N

    Market Talk / Feb. 12 - 18

    I agree, the dollar looks good for a little while. Maybe as good as low 1.17's or into the 1.16's. Then would be a good time to get into the I fund as it will probably fall from there. Japan and Europe look like they will be raising rates and the US can't go much beyond 5.25% without scaring...
  7. N

    Market Talk Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

    I didn't take it that way at all. I agree completely. It is just amazing how people don't "connect the dots". The talking heads on TV always make it sound like the market is the place to be and it will only go up 10% in the next month. I got burned in 2000/2001 by not listening to my gut and...
  8. N

    Market Talk Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

    My point is they are still increasing, and increasing over projections (even by just a little). As long as we keep increasing production, the economy keeps growing, and wages will have to keep up. That will drive the rate up, that will dampen the market, and so on, and so on, and so on...
  9. N

    Market Talk Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

    Can't lower rates much. Dollar will fall and your gas bill will go to $4.00 a gallon. Regardless of how the Feds manufacture the Official Inflation Rate, that will kill the economy. Energy is the key word for the next few years. Whoever figures out how to get off oil will make the...
  10. N

    Market Talk Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

    And factory orders up. S&P down 0.65% or so day.
  11. N

    Market Talk Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

    It will be curious to see how long it holds the higher level. I suspect about a month, maybe six weeks at the most at a stronger level, and then as soon as we really look like we are done rising rates, it will fall.
  12. N

    Market Talk Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

    I expect the dollar to drop. No "surprise" here.
  13. N

    Market Talk Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

    You are correct about the dollar. But other countries are also raising rates and as soon as we stop doing so the underlying issues with our tradeand deficit will become primary problems and the currency will drop. It may drop hard and fast.
  14. N

    Market Talk Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

    Yep, I'll get back in soon. I'm just waiting to see what shakes out. I think we will have a really clearer picture by the 13th or 14th. Right now I figure I'll be looking really hard over the weekend of the 11th/12th to see if I want to get back in.
  15. N

    Job Report (over or under)

    Yep, they are nearly all reporting the same. Plus I know I am paying more for fuel, building materials, insurance and such and my 2.1% increase this year ain't close to reality. I'm not alone and I think the entire country is beginning to actually think before they spend. Read "slowdown".