Recent content by JSRoss01

  1. J

    Something else to watch

    imported post i'm 33 C 34S 33 I, I am not sure where to find the out about these funds and I Seem to always miss out on the deadline to transfer next day. where do you find this info, outside this forum, and what time do you normally make transfers?
  2. J

    Something else to watch

    imported post What do you recommend for this year?
  3. J

    What happened

    imported post I made a transfer on Mon Morning about 6:45AM 100% to the I fund and I only got a return of $1.00. Whats Up with that? Today about 6:30A I transfered 33C, 34S, And 33 I. Does this mean my return will be bubkis???
  4. J

    Ways of watching the market?

    imported post Rod, Where do you get your info that tues are generally green and wed red? Does this change month to month?
  5. J

    Interfund Transfer 12/6 for 12/7/04

    imported post Stingray what is it that your doing I could use returns like this. Please e-mail me and let me know how you plan to go for the coming weeks. Thanks:^
  6. J

    Interfund Transfer 12/01 for 12/02/04

    imported post Thinking of Going 50%I 25%S 25%C anyone have any suggestions?
  7. J

    Interfund Transfer 12/01 for 12/02/04

    imported post Tom What is the plan for Friday, Are you staying 75%S 25%I?
  8. J

    What is the S fund?

    imported post So then What fund is the DOW if any?
  9. J

    What is the S fund?

    imported post I thought he S fund was S&P but reading through tits description it seems to be everything but. is it the DOW?
  10. J

    When does the Payout for the day take place

    imported post If I make a transfer today befor 11am i understand, Thanks wonder woman, that it will take effect the next day. But am i getting the monies for the next day as well, or does it takeeffectin the 2 day waiting period stated in the tsp website?:*
  11. J

    Transfering my funds

    imported post Wonder Woman thanks I did it.
  12. J

    Transfering my funds

    imported post I see :shock:Thanks
  13. J

    Transfering my funds

    imported post Mabe You can help me to clarify something. on the 15th I transfered from the C 25%, S 50%, and I 25%funds to G 40% and C 60% Effective on the 16th. I was out yesterday so I am not sure how the market did. Today I checked and it seems yesterday the maket did well for the C,S, and...
  14. J

    Transfering my funds

    imported post Wonder Woman, Thank you for your reply, What agency do you work for? and where can I get one of those cool Insignia?
  15. J

    Transfering my funds

    imported post When I Transfer from one fund to another, Lets say today, Are the Percentages applied to todays rates at the closing? I.e. I transfer From the I fund at a $1.00 today to the G Fund. I lost .25 cents ddid I make the change in time not to lose?