Recent content by JohnnieB1

  1. J

    Hurricane resilience

    imported post You are correct. number three this season. The industry has not recovered from numbers one ane two yet. The majority of Gulf oil and gas production is still shut in. The effects of a third storm can already be seen. Oil rices are going up today. I would also expect that this would...
  2. J

    15k limit by year 2006. Are you ready?

    imported post full 20K for me
  3. J


    imported post Not to sound like someone that only cares about $, but I have a question..... Are there any deals out there to invest in manufactured housing companies in light of the storm? What do you think?? A short term stock play on some of these companies???
  4. J

    No Place is Safe

    imported post FYI ... Gulf of Mexico oil and gas shut in data for today 8/30/05... These numbers may stay this way for some time cause it will take a lot for operating companies to get offshore to detemine the damage, and then once determined to mobilize crews to fix things.. Today’s shut-in...
  5. J

    Market Talk

    imported post My agency has a major office in New Orleans. Every time there is a hurricane we shut it down. Our critical functions are conducted from up here in DC and from Gulf folks via cell phones. Just FYI
  6. J


    imported post I think $4/bbl to lift or get the oil out of the ground may be a reasonable number for mid east oil where all you have to do is punch a somewhat shallow hole, stick a straw in the ground and suck it out, but for theUS offshore $4/bbl is to low. Offshore US produces upwards of 30%...
  7. J

    Market Talk

    imported post The truth about oil is it is a limited resource. Outside of the Middle East it is technically getting harder and harder to find and extract. Worldwide demand is more or less up. Worldwide (and this is the kicker) refining capacity is down. That appears to be the bottleneck in...
  8. J


    imported post I used a TSP loan for the down payment of my house about 12 years ago. The money was cheap to get, and payments have been easy to make . Best $ I have ever borrowed...
  9. J

    Tspgo_com Account Talk

    imported post do you have some articles on where the allocations came from that i could read? thanks
  10. J

    Tspgo_com Account Talk

    imported post OK TSPGO - I think I got it. Every buy for the F fund is 5%,every buy for the C fund is 25%...each time, regardless of circumstances (e.g. emotions) Where did these % come from originally? Interesting.. I mean there must be a logic to these %.. thanks
  11. J

    Tspgo_com Account Talk

    imported post TSPGO - Now that I have been watching this board and reading all the useful information presented here I have a question concerning your system. Iseem to understand your buy/sell/hold signals. Once your system tells you to act how do you determine the percentage of your IFT? For...
  12. J

    World Wide Housing Bubble Continues?

    imported post When all is said and done the best I can see is that home prices continue their rise cause of....Lower supply and continued high demand
  13. J

    Survey FERS or CSRS

    imported post FERS 22 yrs 15% plus catch up i am 50 this year.... GS 15, DOI I hope to have at least $700K in TSP in 2013 when i am ready to go..... 100%G now.............
  14. J

    Why Can't Stocks Get On a Run?

    imported post just wait. what will the market say at $70 BO ?????
  15. J

    Why Can't Stocks Get On a Run?

    imported post what happens to stocks when oil prices increase from here? One day we may be looking at $55 BO as the good old days with US refining capacity down (there was a major explosion last month at a BPUS Gulf refinery), with a lot of the offshore locked up to further exploration, and...