Recent content by GreyGuy

  1. G

    S Fund - basic investing strategy for returns

    This is going to sound very ignorant of the whole process but I am trying to get this... I notice the S Fund is way down (17.86, -1.43%). So, wouldnt this be the time to buy a ton of it and then sell it once it goes up again? Thanks for any responses.
  2. G

    Maximum allowable transfers?

    Hello all, Is there a maximum amount of times you are allowed to transfer between TSP funds? Thanks..
  3. G

    I am new -- need educated advice

    Hello, I have been in contributing to TSP for a bit over a year and have about $5k so far. I am intrigued by the thought of 'trading' but am unsure how to maximize the benefits. I have just been holding my current allocations for most of the time. I would love some good advice on how...