Recent content by GordonGecko

  1. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko's Account Talk

    Back to 100% G as of COB today. Got a fairly decent intermediate term gain from July to now. Seasonality, and technically overbought conditions make this a fairly easy choice at this point. Risk of recession looms. My inverted yield curve indicator suggests a recession is now about 75%...
  2. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko's Account Talk

    It's days like this that I hate the 1200 EST cut-off.
  3. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko's Account Talk

    The dollar in fact is looking quite weak on the presumption that the Fed will pause on Aug 8. Also, looks like S&P 500 will close today over 1282 which triggers a short term buy signal. So, I have slightly increased equity exposure COB today as follows: 55% G, 30% C, 5% S, 10% I Given the...
  4. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko's Account Talk

    We tested 85 on the us dollar index yesterday, and it's back above that support this morning. This bears some close attention unless the dollar continues to move higher from here. With more S&P 500 earnings beating the street this morning, I predict the dollar will continue to firm.
  5. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko's Account Talk

    Current allocation is unchanged for the week G - 65%, C - 25%, I - 5%, S - 5% Looks like the S&P 500 is trying to bounce off of long term support. No confirmation yet that the bull is back, but it may come as early as this week. An important development this week is dollar weakness. If the USD...
  6. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko's Account Talk

    Current allocation is unchanged for the week G - 65%, C - 25%, I - 5%, S - 5% The long term model for equities continues to deteriorate, however still no long term sell signal yet. Light equity exposure remains warranted.
  7. GordonGecko

    TSP - Real Estate Investment Trust

    I agree with Heritage, however TSP members should be able to nominate vote for fund options, not just the TSP board. Let's have a foreign bond fund. That would be a much more useful addition.
  8. GordonGecko

    War effecting the funds?

    The intial tendency seems to be a flight to quality. Not sure why it means they are buying dollars. The Swiss Franc seems a lot safer these days. Wars in general often cause an initial drop in equities, then rally quite strongly. FWIW
  9. GordonGecko

    Dollar Cost Averaging is a Myth?

    Agreed. My slightly off-topic point was that both DCA and market timing approaches each have benefits. Why not use the best from each? My opinion is that a combined approach is more likely to be more successful than either DCA or market timing alone over the long haul. Do I have proof? No...
  10. GordonGecko

    Market Talk / July 16 - 22

    Don't forget we're heading into earnings season for the next two weeks. This should give us some clues via the outlook for key sectors.
  11. GordonGecko

    Dollar Cost Averaging is a Myth?

    Why look at DCA as an 'all-or-none' proposition? Why not use a combination of DCA and technical analysis to adjust the contribution rate? Since markets, when viewed from a long-term perspective, have discernable trends, for example an intermediate trading-range within the long-term uptrend...
  12. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko's Account Talk

    Re: GordonGecko's Account You're welcome, Tom. Great forum. I didn't address contribution allocation strategy before, so... Current allocation (S&P below 1250): 70% G, 30% C If S&P 500 gets below 1220: 50% G, 50% C If S&P 500 gets below 1200: 0% G, 100% C
  13. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko's Account Talk

    Some background and philosophy to help you figure out whether you will want to track this account. The trading philosophy is to actively monitor what is happening in the market, but IFTs are not frequent, except times (like now) where we are at 'turning points' in the market. It's best to...