Recent content by frokker

  1. frokker

    Guess the Dow Contest 2009

  2. frokker

    The New One Word Association Thread

  3. frokker

    The Movie Game

    Battlefield Earth
  4. frokker

    The New One Word Association Thread

  5. frokker

    The New One Word Association Thread

  6. frokker

    Brain Teaser

    Yesterday, today, tomorrow
  7. frokker

    The New One Word Association Thread

  8. frokker

    The Movie Game

    The Air Up There
  9. frokker

    The Movie Game

    Con Air
  10. frokker

    The Movie Game

    Cheeh & Chong - Still Smokin'
  11. frokker

    The Movie Game

    Earth Girls Are Easy
  12. frokker

    The Movie Game

    Children of a Lesser God
  13. frokker

    I fund for June 08

    No typo. Right there above the prices it says "Note: Beginning with share prices for July 1, 2008, the TSP will display share prices to four decimal places." I wonder if that means the "G" will pay more often? Instead of 1 penny every 5 or 6 days, they might give .25 or .50.
  14. frokker

    The Movie Game

    The Big Lebowski
  15. frokker

    The Movie Game

    Memoirs of an Invisible Man