Recent content by cprice72

  1. C

    Share Prices for 11 Jan 07

    I was getting the same error page earlier also. I think it may have been Firefox because when I switched over to Internet Explorer I had no problems.
  2. C

    IFT Explanation

    Let's say that I had $100 dollars in the G Fund and made an IFT at 10:00pm on 9 Jan 2007 of 35% C - 35% S and the remaining 30% would stay in the G Fund. Should the 10 Jan 07 account balance reflect the end of day share prices of the C and S funds? Basically should I see an increase of the...
  3. C

    Links to freeware charting software

    Has anyone else noticed with this program that the information on the "Details" sheet (i.e 52 wk Range) is inacurate? List the 52 wk range for WMT as 47.32 - 52.15 when I know that WMT fell to almost 43.00 in July. Anyone else catch this? Other than that I like the spreadsheet.
  4. C

    When to Buy Low/Sell High?

    Hey guys...All excellent posts and advice in there. I appreciate all the knowledge that is shared here. I am new to investing and haven't invested a dime in anything except my TSP. Coming up on a year long deployment where I plan to save some money outside of my TSP that I can invest into...
  5. C

    Dividend Payments

    Here is another amateur investor question for you. Do companies with dividend paying stocks anounce when they are going to pay dividends?
  6. C

    When to Buy Low/Sell High?

    Here is a question for you. One of the most used phrases of advice thrown out there is "Buy Low/Sell High"! What do you guys consider as selling high. Just a little hypothetical here. WMT fell below its 200 day MA to roughly $43 and some change around the first week of July. If you would...
  7. C


    I think I saw the same show that you guys are mentioning. Although I am a new investor and compared to you guys I really know nothing about investing, hope you guys don't mind me throwing in my 2 cents. I have been watching the same show mentioned in the above posts for awhile. Although I...
  8. C

    Retirement Savings Contribution Credit

    From what I understand, the sales tax deduction is for residents of states who do not have a state tax, i.e. Tennessee, Texas, Washington and about 6 others states. So here is a question for you. I am in the military and claim Tennessee as residency. Can I still claim the sales tax...
  9. C

    Post History

    Hey thanks guys...I figured there was a way and I had not just ran across it yet.
  10. C

    Retirement Savings Contribution Credit

    But hey....thanks for the excise tax tip...another 40 bucks for me!
  11. C

    Retirement Savings Contribution Credit

    Yes mlk_man....I happen to be one of those poor persons coming up on my third deployment to the middle east, with a wife going to school full time and two children in daycare that I feel like I am paying a arm and leg for that falls below that married filing jointly 50,000 dollar mark. Do I get...
  12. C

    Post History

    And now I just realize I should have posted this on the "Suggestions" board. Sorry!
  13. C

    Post History

    Maybe I am just not smart enough to find it or figure it out, but here is a suggestion for the website. Other than using the search, have a tab in each users' profile that keeps a list of all their posts that they have made to the board. Not a big deal for me as of now, seeing that I have...
  14. C

    Retirement Savings Contribution Credit

    This is the first year that I have contributed to a Retirement Savings Plan and since tax season is around the corner does anyone know if any software like Turbo Tax or Tax Cut figures in the Retirement Savings Contribution Credit? I really do not look forward to paying H&R or someone else a...
  15. C

    New to the game

    Thanks for the post Robo. I will head out Friday and pick up the book. Once question though, is the Vanguard fund one that you hold and recommend?