Recent content by CountryBoy

  1. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    Show-me, I too fear the government, miltary and Law enforcement. They've continually broken the laws that are on the books. They feel they are above the law! Even though bHo said he will not enforce it, he's a blatant liar. Our Constitution has been shredded by this Prez and Congress. :mad:
  2. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    Thanks Birch, I try to avoid these type of rants, but sometimes the lies and destruction of our Constitution, I just have to say something, but the sheeple are to busy following him off the cliff and all the while giving him their tacit approval. :mad:
  3. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    Thanks Cougar, I'm about 3 hours east of Cincy.
  4. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    That Show-me old friend, just a little thought before I start my day. If it is still legal to rant in your own account and not be censored, not sure about those things these days. :suspicious: It used to be your own private room. Doesn't it scare you that during the past three decades, each...
  5. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    This was sent to me compliments of CoolHand and can this 5 year old belt out our National Athem. Brought tears to this real American's. So of ya will love it and some will gag (ya know who you fascists are) on it. :laugh: She's a cutie, be sure to wait til the very end...
  6. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    Hey Pat, Sorry I didn't get back to ya ealier. Irene didn’t bother them since their marriage was in SC and their jobs are in Cincy, OH. It sure is good to hear from ya again, since my retirement, my forays back to here are rare, but with things calming down some, I plan on dropping in more...
  7. CountryBoy

    Is the Government Going to Crash the Stock Market?

    Hey Frixxxx, Good to see ya. Yeah a trim would be nice. The only thing stopping the 40% cut, would be the riots and anarchy it would cause. We'll have to wait and see, Take Care bud, :D CB
  8. CountryBoy

    Is the Government Going to Crash the Stock Market?

    Yeah it sure is nnuut, It's already crashing, but most of America has been lulled to sleep by the msm, suport El Jefe or are looking forward to a facist police state. The final crash will be when our pensions and savings are totalling stolen. For the "good of America" will be the excuse given...
  9. CountryBoy

    Corn and Ethanol.

    Thanks old Friend, You have a happy New Year also. CB
  10. CountryBoy

    Corn and Ethanol.

    If we're going to have any chance of getting out of this economic mess we must end all subsidies and tax credits, just as a start. Then redo the taxes (no loopholes, off-shore hidey holes etc, Buffet is a good example of playing the trust game) so that everyone pays their fair share (flat tax)...
  11. CountryBoy

    Wikileaks Discloses The Reason(s) Behind China's Shadow Gold Buying Spree

    This link just summarizes several other sources, of these facts, since I’ve always been leery of all things wiki. Wondering why gold at $1850 is cheap, or why gold at double that price will also be...
  12. CountryBoy

    Taxes and the Economy

    Got in too late to talk PM's and mining stocks.
  13. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    Hey Burro, That site looks great for a one eyed man, but even with one eye, I can see your pics very clearly. When I get my 2 good eyes, well ... who knows what reaction your pics will cause, especially showing my fav view. :Big Grin: CB
  14. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    Hey Fab, I'm not a currency expert and I don't play in that market, you'll have to talk to Frixxxx about that. See ya, CB
  15. CountryBoy

    CountryBoys's Account Talk

    Thanks to the person ( he may want to remain anonymous and he knows who he is and the good deed he did) who PM'd and pointed out my bonehead mistake as I showed my A$$ :o, again, but what's new about that. I put the post in Cowboy's account thread, sorry Cowboy, I'm not perfect like some...