Recent content by Beaker

  1. B


    imported post Another way to look at the dollar index itself is to go to the bottom of the TSP TALK homepage and type $DXY in the box. Then if you click on CHARTS it will giveyou the dollar index chart which you can manipulate. Hopefully it continues to drop for those in the I fund.
  2. B

    TSP Managers?

    imported post Just thought I would post my source on this so it wasn't just a "I heard this somewhere" post. Got it from I don't know if it only applies to military or not but it will be interesting to see the details. PS: currently 75G, 25I Twice-yearly TSP 'open season'...
  3. B

    TSP Managers?

    imported post I read a news article that said TSP will be offering fund management services in June, same time the open seasons go away. Anyone know anything about these managers or how much they will charge? I personally am leary about paying TSP to manage my funds now that I have learned so...
  4. B

    Long time reader, first time poster

    imported post First of all, thanks for the great site and vast amounts of information. I've been reading since Sep and have followed (for the most part) Tom's allocations which have been good the last 3 months. Right now it's very frustrating!?!? Still trying to figure out a good system to...