Recent content by bac573

  1. B

    Bac573 account talk

    It's hard to believe we are already at the halfway point for 2006. To my fellow postal employees, in just 6 short months from now the Christmas rush will be over! For the first month of this year I was G-20%, C-35, S-30, I-15. Starting in February I switched to 100% L2040 and have been there...
  2. B

    Bac573 account talk

    According to the "most recent" transactions on the TPS page, my beloved L2040 fund was last added to on 5/17, a Wednesday. If that holds true, then at COB today, this paycheck's money will be added. Why oh why can't the market tank every other Wednesday, so I can buy shares at bargain prices...
  3. B

    Bac573 account talk

    I know I am probably in the minoirty here, but my investing philosophy is buy and hold. I guess only time and compounding will tell........
  4. B


    I am a first time poster and just wanted to say hello to everyone. I've worked for the post office for about 12 years and have been contributing to the TSP for the last 8 years. We are fortunate, in my opinion, to have the greatest 401k plan in the world.....super low fees and index funds...