Recent content by alaskanmoosehunter

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    imported post d.olverson wrote: Remindme not to let you be incharge of my money..........:shock:. TSP is all about the money.:^ Otherwise whats the point? I think your quote should be: Do you know what I'm going to do with $1.4 million.....Any damn thing I want!
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    Survey FERS or CSRS

    imported post WG-08 at 15%...Can't wait until 2006 to go 20-22% Personally, Not really! But I like to see what others are doing to get any new ideas. Plus I find some comic relief in some people...they make me laugh when they get on each other.
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    L vs do it yourself

    imported post Just one man's opinion, I think the L Fund will be for the slugs......People either to stupid :%or lazy :zzto learn how to determine their own destiny when it comes to retirement. They will deserve what they get....One bad year in the market can take two or three years to...
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    7/11/05 Share Prices

    imported post I agree TSP seems as though it takes a long time to post the gains/losses andfinal share pricesfor the day. This may help. The phone service is ussually updated well before their computers are. (Ussually being the key word!:P) 1-877-968-3778 (1-TSP-YOU-FRST) Quite a few people...
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    G Fund

    imported post The Technician wrote: Hey Tech, Where did you find a chart for the G Fund? Or are youjustgoing by the return trends? I sure would like to see one. Thanks, Ben
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    Alaskanmoosehunters Account Talk

    imported post Has TSP became an addiction to you?:u Finally, TSP has dumped the money out of my military account in to my civilian account as of today:!. It's like landing on boardwalk when you already own it whileplaying Monopoly...Except better! It deposited some of the funds into the C...
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    Invitation to Meet the 'Lifecycle Funds'

    imported post 2020, 2030, 2040 L Funds? Ha Ha Don't make me laugh.....At the rate the Dictator Rummy (Did I call him that:x) is trying to contract out our jobs and inplement the new NSPSwe'll be lucky if there is any Federal Employees Left to have a TSP!:@
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    Alaskanmoosehunters Account Talk

    imported post Well...Here it is. My account talk....... I don't have anything to talk about right now:?. But since Ihave the time I figured I would create a place for me. So don't be disappointed.....There will be more later.:^
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    YAY! My first deployment 'money fight' with wife - over TSP!

    imported post Let me help you out on this from experience....and the experience of others. If someone takes offense to this well......To bad! Most women in a marriage don't understand anything other than the money that they have now.Talking about future money is just a pipe dream for us boys...
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    Hello all.

    imported post Hello, My name is Ben and I am a Department of the Army employee in Alaska. I have been watching this site for a couple of has beenunknown to me for the last few years. What a find! I passed it on to all the employees in my shop.:^ It's nice to get a differnent...